Monday, October 31, 2011

Drawn to Caricatures

  Allow me to indulge myself and present the case for marrying two passions of mine: marketing's creative side...and caricature art.

Welcome to another edition of Not Your Usual Marketing Tips from JDK Marketing Communications Management.

(If you were not otherwise aware, Yes, I do caricatures. And I’ve been doing them professionally – apart from my copywriting, conceptual and marketing strategy work – for over three decades now.)

In recent weeks, my capabilities as a professional caricature artist have been engaged by three different clients, all of whom have sought caricature art as a unique, fun embellishment to enhance their messages to their respective marketplaces.

One is using caricatures, or in this case "straight" cartoons, to create a "Provide the Caption" addition to her national B-to-B blog; another client is using my cartoons to add visual emphasis to his sales training management seminar/workshop reminders; the third individual wants his business to stand out by incorporating his caricature visage to snail mail notes...and a self-published book cover.

Naturally, caricatures can be applied to other marketing avenues, such as ad specialty items -- on tee shirts, coffee mugs, and the like. Caricatures can enliven collateral marketing materials, ad campaigns, publicity packages, PowerPoint presentations and trade shows as well.

Social media anyone? I can count at least five individuals (that I know of) who have used my caricatures of themselves as their personal avatars on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Soon it will be holiday gift-giving time. You can do the fruitcake thing, the gift basket thing, the popcorn-in-a-tin thing or the gift certificate thing. Or you might want to consider giving a gift that is truly customized and personal...

Caricatures make a uniquely original and thoughtful gift for your clients or your favored customers...and certainly families and friends on the personal side. Caricatures of loyal (and long-standing) staff make great gifts as well, showing your appreciation for their dedicated service. Yours truly has done caricatures of individual staff members, framed and mounted on company walls. So it’s not only a unique, fun idea…it’s great for morale.

Another popular means by which to utilize caricatures -- and no less a marketing tool than a corporate brochure or flyer -- is a Holiday Greetings card...customized to feature the illustrated likenesses of company officers and selected staff, and sent out to clients with a seasonal message thanking them for their business. See art, above.

And to see samples of other art I've done -- business and personal -- please check out my caricatures website,

So...want to consider introducing a 500-year-old art form to 21st Century marketing sensibilities?

Give a thought to caricatures. And in the meantime, frame the first Tuesday of next month for another artful sampling of Not Your Usual Marketing Tips.

Joel Kweskin
704.846.4835 office
704.575.8850 mobile
Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo,
NAWP, Visit Charlotte

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Make October YOUR Month!

October is Halloween month, right?

And then there's New Year January, the Ides of March, the Merry Month of May, The 4th of July, Thanksgiving November, Christmas December...

Well, if you're into promoting your business through PR tactics -- whether retail, service, B-to-B, B-to-C -- you might wish to re-think October. Or any month for that matter.

Welcome to the Season of the Witch edition of Not Your Usual Marketing Tips from JDK Marketing Communications Management.

It's a very popular, and tried and true approach, to associate one's business with a particular month. This is perfectly fine. Along with usually being perfectly obvious.

How about stepping outside the box, and bringing a less-observed date into the marketing mix?

Not only do you show to your clients and prospects a broader base of cultural reference, but you get the opportunity to uniquely and memorably make your selected date...your own.

Did you realize October alone offers these unique marketing tie-in dates?

Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month

• Animal Safety and Protection Month

• Augmentative and Alternative Communication Awareness Month

• Bake and Decorate Month

• Bat Appreciation Month

• Breast Cancer Awareness Month

• Car Care Month

• Celebrating the Bilingual Child Month

• Celiac Disease Awareness Month

• Children's Magazine Month

• Chili Month

• Chiropractic Month

• Church Library Month

• Co-op Awareness Month

• Crime Prevention Month

• Cyber Security Awareness Month

• Dental Hygiene Month

• Depression Education and Awareness Month

• Disability Employment Awareness Month

• Domestic Violence Awareness Month

• Down Syndrome Awareness Month

• Dyslexia Awareness Month

• Eat Better, Eat Together Month

• Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month

• Emotional Wellness Month

• Financial Planning Month

• German-American Heritage Month

• Global Diversity Awareness Month

• Go Hog Wild--Eat Country Ham Month

• Go on a Field Trip Month

• Halloween Safety Month

• Health Literacy Month

• Liver Awareness Month

• Long-Term Care Planning Month

• Medical Librarians Month

• Organize Your Medical Information Month

• Orthodontic Health Month

• Photographer Appreciation Month

• Physical Therapy Month

• Polish-American Heritage Month

• Popcorn Poppin' Month

• Positive Attitude Month

• Protect Your Hearing Month

• Raptor Month

• Reading Group Month

• Rett Syndrome Awareness Month

So go ahead, grab a date and make it your own. It's free!

What else is free? The first Tuesday of next month's installment of Not Your Usual Marketing Tips.

Joel Kweskin
704.846.4835 office
704.575.8850 mobile
Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo,
NAWP, Visit Charlotte