Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolute About Resolutions

Volume 10, Number 1.

A new year for us all, and the tenth year of my musings on the general subject of marketing communications and its many permutations.

Each January, it's been our tradition to offer up 12 resolutions -- one corresponding to each month -- for the New Year. For those of you who missed it last year, here we go again. For those of you who read it last we go again.

Welcome to the Let's-Hope-The-Mayans-Are-Wrong Opus of Not Your Usual Marketing Tips from JDK Marketing Communications Management.

Here are 12 initiatives you can apply to your marketing plan this new year.

In no particular order:

1. Guerilla Marketing: Think outside the box for ways to promote yourself. There are rules…and sometimes they're made to be broken.

2. Networking: Don't just focus on the standard business networking group. Look into joining associations, fraternal organizations, MeetUps, groups comprising fellow hobbyists, etc. That means getting more active in the social media milieu, as well, i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, et al.

3. Publicity: You're probably too close to see the forest for the trees. In other words, just because you may think you have nothing new to tell the world...doesn't mean you don't.

4. Volunteer Programs: Join an organization to help a favored cause. It's good networking, along with it being "good works."

5. Seminars: You think you know it all? Heck, maybe you do – at least as far as certain audiences are concerned, and the new business development opportunities they might provide for you.

6. Newsletters: Share your ideas, broaden your constituency by sending out industry-relevant information either as hard copy…or as an e-zine (such as what you’re presently reading).

7. Trade Shows: Go to them, be in them, network within them, write a program article for them, propose to give a seminar at them.

8. Event Marketing: Sponsor a cause, host an Open House; it’s good P.R. by “socializing” your business.

9. The Newspaper: Remember that old-fashioned medium? For business ideas, for client contact opportunities, for ways to promote yourself through Letters to the Editor...simply to stay topical...don’t just rely on the 11:00 PM news. Read the newspaper.

10. Greeting Cards: It doesn’t have to be Christmas to send them to clients, prospects, colleagues, friends. Stay top of mind year-round, with Valentine’s Day, July 4th, Arbor Day – whatever! – as your "excuse."

11. Postcards: Along with greeting cards, postcards are a fast, convenient, economical way to let people know about what's new with your business (think Realtors and Financial Advisor).

12. Re-tool Your Website: updated info, add new pictures, introduce a video, sponsor a contest.

Have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012. Hope to catch you again the first Tuesday of next month with another perspective during our 10th Anniversary year.

(And if you want to buy me something, it should be in tin...)

Joel Kweskin
704.846.4835 office
704.575.8850 mobile
Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo,
NAWP, Visit Charlotte