I've had some HARO-wing moments in recent days. And the person responsible is Don Rosenberg.
(Okay, enough with the feeble attempt at melodramatic humor...)
What I'm talking about is a unique PR program that anybody can use and anybody can benefit from.
Welcome to the Winter Solstice edition of Not Your Usual Marketing Tips from JDK Marketing Communications Management.
Don, of Instant Organic Garden fame -- http://www.instantorganicgarden.com/contact-us/don-rosenberg-charlotte-nc/ -- clued me in on something he's been using himself to help promote his business.
HARO stands for "Help A Reporter Out" -- http://www.helpareporter.com/
Having been a Journalism major, that name, and its purpose, resonates with me as I harken back to my campus newspaper writer/editor days. I also think it's just cool sounding.
It's a two-platformed program that bridges the distance between source and resource. On one side, reporters/writers/authors/bloggers/TV/radio (terrestrial and Internet) folk sign on to send out mass queries to online subscribers to help gather information for their respective articles, projects, media shows, et al.
On the other side, one can sign up and receive all these queries...and then determine if there's any fit for themself as the source for the query.
For example, if I sign on as someone writing a monthly newsletter -- ahem, such as I do -- and am looking for information on the role of caricature art in marketing as my next subject, I'll send out my query to that effect, in broadcast fashion, with a description of my subject and return contact info on myself.
If on the other hand, I sign up to be on the receiving side and I see this query, I may answer it in the hopes that the writer will want to quote me or whatever on my capabilities and thoughts as a caricature artist.
In Don's case, he's been sending out queries to gather information for a book he's writing. Acknowledgment to and identification of his selected sources will surely find their way into the pages of his tome.
Frankly, the way I've been using HARO is as a PR "tool" to let clients and colleagues know of possible opportunities for them to be interviewed through media outlets they might not have had access to otherwise.
If their response is accepted, that's good PR for them...good value-added from me.
I recommend signing up with HARO. It's free and it's kind of fun to see all of the intriguing subjects being covered out there in both the atmo- and blogospheres. Maybe you'll get to appear on the Tyra Banks show (one of the actual media outlets listed).
In the meantime, look for this cyber vehicle the first Tuesday of the New Year with a new "broadcast" of Not Your Usual Marketing Tips.
And Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Joel Kweskin