Don Crosby wants to introduce you to yourself.
And then appear on his radio show to talk about it.
He'll even grant you time to promote your business.
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me and for anyone looking to tout their business.
Welcome to the turkey month edition of Not Your Usual Marketing Tips from JDK Marketing Communications Management.
Don, through the auspices of Global Behavior -- http://www.globalbehavior.com/ -- a licensing, consulting and training company, offers unique behavioral assessment tools which help businesses improve morale, identify accurate motivators, improve communications and save large amounts of loss profits by providing an accurate understanding of their people. His clients say it's right on the money.
"I apply this assessment tool," Don says, "which introduces people I've never met to themselves and to their families and our radio community. It's interesting, thought provoking talk radio. Perfect for anyone and everyone… business people or singles, couples, and families and simply for anyone who is interested in having a deeper understanding of themselves. It's safe and enjoyable."
What I like about Don's deal, frankly, is the gracious and generous opportunity he provides to not only have a little fun exploring our inner selves -- and let's face it, the better we understand ourselves, the better we can relate to others...including clients, colleagues and even family and friends -- but to also grab the mike and do a little self promoting.
Don's show is broadcast on Charlotte radio station WAVO, 1150 AM, Saturdays 12 noon to 1:00 PM. Go to www.soundbehavior.com and click on “Sign Up For the Show.” Based on a first come, first serve basis, potential guests will be emailed a "ProScan" behavioral survey that takes just a few minutes to complete. Once approved upon review, a date and time will be scheduled for an appearance on the show.
Hey, part of the marketing "mix" we promote to advance one's business...how often does one get the chance to state our case on radio? Check it out.
And, BTW -- in the texting parlance of my kids -- if you know of any corporate interest in Don's show, he tells me advertising sponsors are more than welcome.
In the meantime, look for us the first Tuesday of next month, when Not Your Usual Marketing Tips will once again be on the air. Or at least on your computer screen...
"I apply this assessment tool," Don says, "which introduces people I've never met to themselves and to their families and our radio community. It's interesting, thought provoking talk radio. Perfect for anyone and everyone… business people or singles, couples, and families and simply for anyone who is interested in having a deeper understanding of themselves. It's safe and enjoyable."
What I like about Don's deal, frankly, is the gracious and generous opportunity he provides to not only have a little fun exploring our inner selves -- and let's face it, the better we understand ourselves, the better we can relate to others...including clients, colleagues and even family and friends -- but to also grab the mike and do a little self promoting.
Don's show is broadcast on Charlotte radio station WAVO, 1150 AM, Saturdays 12 noon to 1:00 PM. Go to www.soundbehavior.com and click on “Sign Up For the Show.” Based on a first come, first serve basis, potential guests will be emailed a "ProScan" behavioral survey that takes just a few minutes to complete. Once approved upon review, a date and time will be scheduled for an appearance on the show.
Hey, part of the marketing "mix" we promote to advance one's business...how often does one get the chance to state our case on radio? Check it out.
And, BTW -- in the texting parlance of my kids -- if you know of any corporate interest in Don's show, he tells me advertising sponsors are more than welcome.
In the meantime, look for us the first Tuesday of next month, when Not Your Usual Marketing Tips will once again be on the air. Or at least on your computer screen...
Unabashed Plugs Dept.: Through the publicity efforts of JDK Marketing Communications Management, a couple of my clients made "the big time" recently.
Angie Lucas got some buzz for her new online "make your own" cupcakes business, on WBTV: http://www.wbtv.com/global/story.asp?s=11417050
Angie Lucas got some buzz for her new online "make your own" cupcakes business, on WBTV: http://www.wbtv.com/global/story.asp?s=11417050
And from The Business Journal a couple of weeks back -- Savannah Shaw, Etiquette and Protocol Consultant, was featured on their Entrepreneurs page.
Joel Kweskin
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